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> 2003 Season | 2002 Archive | Non NCAA Reports | | |
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| Super Six Challenge, 1/11/03 |
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| by Greg Meet report derived from the broadcast on ESPN. Connected elements on all events are spaced with commas. Semicolons indicate gaps in skills listed, which are usually A level and nonvalue skills. Common abbreviations include: bhs= backhandspring, hs=handstand, lo=layout, ro = roundoff, 1/1 = full twist etc You'll get the idea.... This link includes full results. The routine descriptions below only reflect what was shown on the broadcast. Rotation 1: Sapunar (UGA), BB: switch side; bhs, bhs, lo; Shushunova 1/2 (cross wise); full turn (check); switch split, straddle (a little low); cw gainer lo 1/1 9.875 Simpson (NU), UB: hecht, kip cast hs, giant 1 1/2 to overshoot handstand, glide, hop on, kip cast hs (short), Gienger (leg separation), kip cast hs 1/2 (leg separation), giant, giant, double pike/layout. 9.8 Szmuch (UF), V: Hristakaeva (leg bend, large step) 9.75 C. Byrd (UGA), BB: wolf jump mount; bhs, two foot lo (missed foot but checked only slightly); straddle, straddle; wolf, Chen; full turn (slight check); two foot bhs, two foot bhs, double tuck (small step) 9.85 Miner (UF), V: pike front 1/2 (large leg separation in preflight, hop) 9.8 Rowland (PSU), FX: triple twist (step forward); tuck 1/1; double pike (form, large lunge); 2/1 turn, tuck 3/2, wolf 1/1; front lo 1/1, pike; 9.875 T. Byrd (NU), UB: kip, straddle cast hs, giant 1/2, giant 1/1, Tkachev (toes flexed), straddle back hs, glide, hop, kip straddle cast hs, giant, giant, double pike/lay (step) 9.85 Rowe (UGA), BB: tictoc; bhs, bhs, lo; Rulfova; switch, switch (low); full turn (slight wobble); ro, 2/1 (step) 9.85 Houk (NU), UB: straddle hecht, uprise, reverse 1/2, front giant, Higgins, front giant 1/2, hop 1/1, Gienger, overshoot, glide, hop on, kip cast hs (leg separation), giant, giant blind, double front 1/2 (hop) 9.9 Rotation 2: Miles (Bama), UB: kip cast hs (leg separation), Shaposhnikova, overshoot to hs, glide, hop on, uprise (knee form), toe on/off, giant 1/1 (past vert), Tkachev (foot form), kip straddle cast hs, giant blind, double front (huge bounding step forward) 9.825 Aoki (OU), FX: 2 1/2 twist, pike front; double turn, wolf 1/1; Rudi; switch side, Shushunova; double full 9.85 Byrd (NU), BB: press mount; bhs, lo (toe form); switch split, gainer lo (flex feet, knee bend), switch split, straddle, straddle; full turn 9.725 Rice (Bama), UB: hecht, uprise (short), giant, Higgins, elgrip giant, elgrip giant 1/2, Tkachev (foot form, low amplitude), straddle back hs, glide, hop on, kip straddle cast hs (short), giant, gaint, full-in (hop) 9.95 Rotation 3: Fritzinger (UGA), FX: whip to double tuck (two steps, OOB); tour jete 1/1; back lo 2 1/2 (large lunge); full turn; switch, Strug, wolf 1/1; double pull, Shoushunova 9.65 Kite (Bama), BB: front on (major break); bhs, whip (leg up); switch, wolf 3/2 (break at waist); fhs (check); wolf 1/1; switch, wolf; full turn; Rudi (large hop) 9.4 Dooley (UF), UB: tuck Barani to glide; back sole circle, kip straddle cast hs, free hip hs, Gienger (le separation), kip straddle cast hs (knee bend), free hip, overshoot to hs, hop on, kip straddle cast hs (well short), giant, double tuck (hop, leg separation) 9.65 Rice (Bama), BB: wolf, straddle; bhs, lo, lo; wolf 1/1 (slightly short); changement, bhs; ro, back lo 2/1 (hop) 9.925 C. Byrd (Bama), FX: whip, bhs, bhs, tuck full-in; Popa, wolf 1 1/2; Barani, layout stepout; switch, flyspring, wolf; double pike (scoot back) 9.95 Tamayo (OU), V: Yurchenko LO 1/1 (well short, large step forward) 9.75 Stucky (UF), UB: hecht, kip straddle cast hs (short), piked Deltchev (very nice), kip straddle cast hs 1/2, giant, healy, front giant 1/2, Pak, switch glide 1/2, kip, hop on, kip straddle cast hs (short), giant 1/1, double top (hop, leg separation). 9.85 Sterner (Bama), BB: front tuck mount (slight hop); bhs, bhs, lo; straddle, straddle; full turn; switch side 1/2; wolf, pike back; ro, pike double back (low landing, step) 9.85 Ackerman (UBA), FX: double layout; full turn, wolf 1/2, Popa; double tuck (bounce); front tuck; whip 1/2 front lo 1/1 9.925 Rotation 4: T. Byrd (NU), FX: whip, double pike; tuck 1/1; switch side, Popa; double full; Popa, wolf 1/1; double tuck 9.85 (all back tumbling, 0.1) Fritzinger (UGA), V: Hristakaeva (big step) 9.9 Dooley (UF), BB: front tuck mount, wolf (nice); switch side; bhs, lo (knee bend); frull turn (check); straddle, straddle; gaint lo 1/1 9.875 Lamb (NU), FX: whip, double tuck (bounce, step out); double pike; switch side, Popa, Shoushuova; ro, straddle; front lo, tuck front 9.75 Waterhouse (UF), BB: bhs, lo, lo (check, form); switch side; full turn; changement, wolf; ro, double tuck (hop, cowboy); 9.775 C. Byrd (UGA), V: LO Yurchenko 1/1 (hop, huge height) 9.95 Stucky (UF), BB: bhs, Onodi; cat, sissone; switch, wolf 1/1; full turn; needle scale; gainer pike 9.9 Simpson (NU), FX: double layout; front lo 1/1, pike front, ring; double turn leg at 90 degrees, wolf 1/1, straddle 1/1; whip, bhs, double pike 9.95 Rotation 5 Harris (NU), V: Layout Yurchenko 1/1 (leg separation in preflight, pike down) 9.9 Rice (Bama), FX: double pike; ro, whip, back lo 5/2; cat 2/1, jump 1/1; Strug, wolf 1/1; ro, whip, back lo 2/1 9.9 Tamayo (OU), UB: straddle hecht, kip straddle cast hs (short), giant 1/1, Tkachev (fall); straddle back hs (short), kip, hop on, kip straddle cast hs, giant, double pike (fall) Sterner (Bama), FX: front pike, ro, bhs, double pike (step out), switch side, Popa; Rudi, layout; Strug, Popa; double pike 9.8 Wertz (NU), V: Yurchenko LO 1/1 (legs in preflight, chest low, piked down) 9.875 Miles (Bama), FX: double layout (bounce); cat 3/2; front lo 1/1, front; full turn with leg at 90, tuck 3/2; pike double back (lean back, leg lifted up) 9.95 Simpson (NU), V: Layout Yurchenko 1/1 (hop, slightest of knee bends) 9.925 McAvoy (PSU), BB: ro, lo mount; bhs, lo, lo (knee bend, toe form); Shoushunova 1/2; full turn; switch split, wolf 3/4 (low); double tuck (large step) 9.85 Rotation 6 Ackerman (UGA), UB: hecht 1/2 turn, kip, cast hs, giant blind, imm Healy (late), front giant (swing) 1/2 turn, kip cast hs (short), Tkachev (fall), straddle back hs, glide, hop on, kip cast hs (short), giant, giant, double layout (step) 9.0 Stroud (UF), FX: double pike (bounce/step, OOB); front lo 1/1, front; cat 2/1, cat 3/2; double tuck (short) 9.7 Rowe (UGA), UB: glide jam, uprise, Tkachev, kip straddle cast hs hop to elgrip; elgrip giant, elgrip giant, Healy (late), straddle back hs, hop on, uprise, double tuck 9.925 Miner (UF), FX: front, ro, bhs, double pike; Popa, wolf 1/1; double tuck (short); full turn; Rudi 9.85 Fritzinger (UGA), UB: hecht, uprise, front giant, Healy, elgrip, Ono turn, elgrip giant 1/2, overshoot hs (leg separation, slight), glide, back sole circle, kip, straddle cast hs, giant, giant blind, double front 1/2 (step) 9.875 Szmuch (UF) FX: double pike; front lo, lo; cat 2/1, wolf 1/1; double tuck (slight cowboy) 9.925
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