Saturday, 23 January 2010 23:04

Men's: Minnesota Wins Home Opener

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Minnesota won their home opener, improving to 343.25. Two club programs also competed: ASU posted a 316.65 while Washington posted a 293.65. For the Gophers, Aaron Fortunato won the PH and HB, en route to an AA victory at 85.
Saturday, 23 January 2010 20:23

DU wins tri-meet at home

DU scored 194.20 to eek out a narrow victory over CMU, 194.025. BYU finished 3rd with a team score of 192.50. DU's Brianna Artemev won the all around, scoring 39.250. Scores DU's post meet release
Saturday, 23 January 2010 20:14

TWU 192.925, Centenary 188.025

TWU's Rashonda Cannie won the AA with a score of 38.925. Scores TWUs post meet release
OU put up an impressive beam set to solidify its win over Illinois, 196.650 to 194.425. Illinois all arounder, Nicole Cowart, won the AA title with a score of 39.150. Scores Post meet release pending
Saturday, 23 January 2010 20:01

Minnesota wins at home against MSU

Minnesota outscored MSU 195.350 to 193.350. Alexis Russell won the AA with a score of 39.250. Scores Minnesota's post meet release pending
Saturday, 23 January 2010 19:55

PSU wins quad meet at home

PSU hosted its home meet against Iowa, Yale and Cornell. PSU finished with a team score of 195.325. Brandi Personett won the all around with a 39.575, nailing a 10 on vault. Iowa placed second (192.175), Yale third (186.125), and Cornell fourth (185.750). Scores PSU post meet release
Saturday, 23 January 2010 17:41

Men's: OU 349.5 at Iowa 340.95

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Jake Dalton led the Sooners, winning the AA with a 89.6 and picking up wins on the FX, Rings, Vault, and PB. Teammate Alex Naddour won the PH while another teammate, Steven Legendre, won HB. Link: Iowa Release
Saturday, 23 January 2010 17:38

Men's: Temple Wins Navy Open

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Temple won the Navy Open, edging Springfield 332.5 to 331.6. William & May was third with 323.7, while Navy was in 4th with 317. SUNY Brockport's club program tallied 274.35. Navy's Andrew Faulk won the AA with an 84.8. Link: Navy Release
Saturday, 23 January 2010 17:30

Rutgers 190.725 at Penn 185.1

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Laura Sevarino led Rutgers, winning both the VT and the FX en route to a winning 38.625 AA tally. For Penn, Elise Bowe won the UB and Jenny Hurst won BB. Link: Penn Release
Saturday, 23 January 2010 00:01

Washington 192.8 at Oregon State 195.7

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Oregon State frosh Makayla Stambaugh won the UB, BB and FX en route to a 39.5 AA win to lead the Beavers. Teammate Mandi Rodriguez posted a 9.95 to complete the Oregon State sweep. Link: OSU Release
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