
Saturday, 30 January 2010 21:44

Illinois 195.225 at Iowa 192.95

Illinois posted a 195.225 on the road to defeat Iowa. Iowa's Rebecca Simbhudas won or tied for every individual event title, but it wasn't enough as the Illini proved too deep.  Illinois' Melissa Fernandez earned ties on the UB and BB.   Teammate Sarah Schmidt earned ties on UB and FX, while teammate Allison Buckley added a tie on BB.

Link: Iowa Release

Bama won a tri-meet with PSU and Minnesota, posting a 196.6.  Bama's Ashley Preiss won the UB and BB while teammate Morgan Dennis won the AA with a 39.275 to lead Bama.  Teammate Geralan Stack-Eaton won the VT title, while Brandi Personett's win on the FX prevented the Bama sweep.

Link:  PSU Release

Saturday, 30 January 2010 19:38

Men's: Illinois 349.7 at Ohio State 341.35

Illinois defeated host Ohio State, led by frosh Yoshi Mori's wins on the PB, HB and AA (87.4).

Link:  Ohio State Release

Saturday, 30 January 2010 18:28

Pitt 191.675 at UNH 194.95

UNH defeated Pitt, posting a 194.95.  Chelsea Steinberg tied with teammates Taryn LaFontain and Danielle Reibold on BB and tied with teammate Julie Sauchuk on FX to lead UNH.  Another Wildcat, Helena Diodati, won UB.  For Pitt, Alicia Talucci captured VT with a near perfect 9.975, en route to a winning 38.85 AA win.

Link:  UNH Release

WVU won the quad meet at Maryland, led by Amy Bieski's 38.775 AA win.   She also tied for the UB win with teammates Emily Kerwin and Nicole Roach, and DU's Brianna Artemev.  Another teammate, Chelsi Tabor, won VT.  Maryland's Abigail Adams won BB while DU's Simona Catro Lazo won the FX.

Link:  Maryland Release

Saturday, 30 January 2010 18:19

Cornell 189.625 at Cortland 182.875

Four different Cornell athletes won individual titles:  Emily Santoro on VT, Maddie Pearsall on UB, Melanie Standridge on BB and Brittany Howse on FX.

Link:  SUNY Cortland Release

Saturday, 30 January 2010 18:15

UIC 188.725 at SEMO 193.8

SEMO's Rikara Turner won the AA with a season high 38.75.  Four other teammates split the individual titles:  Brianna Gaddie on VT, Emily Mann on UB, Jena Nguyen on BB, and Emma Garrett on FX.

Link: SEMO Release

Saturday, 30 January 2010 18:13

William & Mary 187.45 at Towson 192.6

Towson posted a season high, led by Jackie Schweitzer's wins on the UB and BB.  Teammate Alise McDonald won the VT and tied with W&M's Dina McNaughton for the FX title.  Towson's Kacy Cantazaro won the AA.

Link:  Towson Release

Saturday, 30 January 2010 18:09

Penn 179.6 at Yale 187.775

Yale frosh Tara Feld broke the school record on the VT, winning with a 9.85.  Brigitte Kivisto led the way for Yale, capturing the UB, FX and AA with a 38.875 tally.  Allison Mak on the BB completed the Yale sweep.

Link:  Yale Release

Saturday, 30 January 2010 17:55

Ohio State 191.425 at MSU 194.875

Michigan State rolled to victory, led by frosh Shanti Teike's 39.025 AA win.  Teammates Rochelle Robinson won VT and UB, while Nicole Curler won the BB and Nicole Argiros won the FX.

Link:  MSU Release

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