
CMU posted a big road win, hitting a 195.575 to defeat the Sun Devils.

Link:  ASU Release

Friday, 05 March 2010 21:14

Nebraska 195.725 at Utah 196.575

Utah staged a late rally on the final event to defeat the visiting Huskers.  For Utah, Daria Bijak and Annie DiLuzio led the squad.  Bijak won the AA with a 39.425 and shared the UB title with teammate Jamie Deetscreek.  Deetscreek also won the BB.  DiLuzio won the VT and the FX.

Link:  Utah Release

Friday, 05 March 2010 21:09

Alabama 197.275 at Oklahoma 197.95

Oklahoma set a new school record with a 197.95 to win the showdown between the country's two top teams.  Hollie Vise led OU, winning the UB and BB.  Teammate Jackie Flannery posted a near perfect 9.975 to win the FX.  For Bama, Kassi Price tied OU's Mary Mantle for the VT title.

Link:  OU Release

Friday, 05 March 2010 21:06

Oregon State 195.525 at LSU 196.925

LSU posted a season high 196.925 to handily defeat the Beavers in front of 5,641 fans.  Susan Jackson led the Tigers, winning the AA with a 39.65 and posting a win on FX and a tie for 1st on VT (with Oregon State's Mandi Rodriguez).  Teammate Summer Hubbard added a win on UB while another teammate, Samantha Engle, tied for 1st on BB with Beaver Laura Ann Chong.

Link:  LSU Release

Friday, 05 March 2010 21:01

Iowa 195.175 at Iowa State 194.15

In the cross-state battle, Iowa upended Iowa State with a season best.  Rebecca Simbhudas led the Hawkeyes, winning the VT and the AA with a 39.225.  Iowa State's Michelle Browning won BB and tied for 1st on FX with Iowa's Jessa Hansen to lead the Cyclones.  Teammate Ceilia Maccani and Iowa's Houry Gebeshian tied for the UB title.

Link:  Iowa State Release

Friday, 05 March 2010 20:57

Denver 194.35 at Auburn 196.225

Auburn posted a 196.225 to defeat the visiting Pioneers.  For Auburn, Allyson Sandusky won the VT while Kylie Shields won the BB.  Teammate Petrina Yokay tied with DU's Kelley Hennigan on the UB.  On FX, Tiger Toi Garcia tied DU's Kristina Coccia.  DU's Brianna Artemev won the AA with a 39.3.

Link:  DU Release

Friday, 05 March 2010 20:53

Alaska 187.6 at Illinois State 193.875

Illinois State celebrated Senior Night with a 193.825 victory.  Erica Shick led the Redbirds, winning the UB, and tying for 1st on BB with teammates Andrea Orris and Hannah Deutsch.  She also tied for 1st on FX with Deutsch.  For Alaska, Kelsey Fullerton won VT.

Link:  Illinoins State Release

Friday, 05 March 2010 20:49

Kentucky 196.05 at Kent State 195.95

It took season-bests from both squads, but UK prevailed by 0.1.   Hillary Ferguson and Emily Green tied for 1st on the FX to lead Kentucky.  Teammates Jamie Reimann and Emily Rymer tied with Kent State's Erin Rothrock for the UB title.  For Kent State, Christine Abou-Mitri won the AA with a 39.275 and the BB with a 9.875.  Teammate Christina Lenny won VT.

Link:  KSU Release

Bridgeport broke the school record with a 194.2 to win a quad meet Friday.  Bridgeport's Lorraine Gallow tied for AA honors with Towson's Kacy Cantanzaro, tying her school recard at 38.925.  Teammate Miranda Der tied the school record in winning the FX.

Link:  Bridgeport Release

Pitt posted a 194.525 to win the quad meet over WMU, Penn and GWU.  Pitt's Alicia Talucci led her squad, winning the AA with a 39.15 and the BB with a 9.9.  Teammate Dani Bryan added a win on VT.  For WMU, Kristine Garbarino won UB while GWU's Leslie Delima won FX.

Link: Pitt Release

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