
Friday, 12 April 2013 16:15

JO Regionals begin this weekend

Highlighting the top 10 AA Senior L10 competitors and individual event winners:

Region 1 (scores)

Sr. A

1- Stephani Catour (OU); 1st FX
2 - Kaitlin Won (ASU)
3 - Kari Lee (Az); 1st UB
4 - Sarah Means (Uncommitted)
5 - Kristen Nogaki (Mich)
6 - Alexandra Esmerian (Uncommitted); 1st BB
7 - Kelsey Chan (Uncommitted)
8 - Joslyn Goings (Uncommitted)
9T-Caitlin Soliwoda (Uncommitted) and Elizabeth Gangale (NCSU)
Erin Macadaeg (LSU) 1st V
Sr. B
1 - Melissa Metcalf (UCLA); 1st UB/FX
2T- Alicia Gallarzo (Cal) and Alexis Brown (Uncommitted); 1st BB
4 - Alisa Bogdan (Uncommitted)
5 - Danielle Dissaints (Oregona St)
6 - Ilana Gordon (Uncommitted)
7 - Maddy Stover (Utah);1st V
8-  Julia Schwartz (Uncommitted)
9 - Sarah Garcia (Auburn)
10 - Janay Honest (Uncommitted)
Lauren Rice (Sac State); 1st BB
Sr. C
1T- Tyley Bozutto (Alaska) and Desiree Palomares (Cal); 1st BB
3 - Selynna Felix-Terrazes (Az)
4 - Miranda Holder (Uncommitted); 1st FX
5 - Janae Janik (Uncommitted); 1st UB
6 - Gigi Marino (Uncommitted); 1st V/FX
7 - Kaitlyn Duranczyk (Wash)
8 - Molly Reiter (Uncommitted)
9 - Sydney Townsend (SUU)
10 - Danielle Ramirez (SUU)
Sr. D
1 - Charlie Owens, (Cal); 1st BB/FX
2 - Stepahnie Stowe (Wash)
3 - Erica Oswalt (former BSU)
4 - Krysten Howard (Uncommitted)
5 - Nicolette McNair (Uncommitted)
6 - Danielle McNair (Uncommitted); 1st V
7 - Erica Matos (Uncommitted)
8 - Jessy McArthur (UCLA)
9 - Gabriela Lopez-Castro (Uncommitted)
10- Rachel Holman (Uncommitted)
McKenzie Bennion (Boise St); 1st UB
Region 2 (Scores)
Sr. A
1 - Abby Webb (Uncommitted); 1st UB
2 - Lauren Schmeiss (Uncommitted); 1st V/BB/FX
3 - Symone Griffin (Uncommitted)
4 - Jade Cottrell (Uncommitted)
5 - Cathryne Kimura (Uncommitted)
Sr. B
1 - Tracie Villaneuva (Uncommitted); 1st BB
2 - Mary Jacobsen (Uncommitted); 1st UB/FX
3 - Bailey Steffen (Uncommitted)
4 - Hannah Worrest (Uncommitted); 1st V
Sr. C
1 - Baely Rowe (Utah); 1st V/UB/BB/FX
2 - Courtney Miller (Uncommitted)
3 - Nicole Larkin (Uncommitted)
4 - Morgan Griffin (Uncommitted)
5 - Audrey Ryals (Cornell)
6 - Madyson Blake (Uncommitted)
7 - Suren Kanchavaleerat (Uncommitted)
8 - Lauren Nagao (Uncommitted)
Sr. D
1 - Diana Mejia (Boise St); 1st UB/BB/FX
2 - Katiyanna Mcmillan (OSU); 1st V
3 - Kristi Hayashida  (Uncommitted)
4 - Amber Takara (Cal)
5 - Emily Bolton (Uncommitted)
6 - Keaolani Cenido (Uncommitted)
7 - Kelsy Hyvonen (Uncommitted)
8 - Brice Mizell(Uncommitted)
9 - Brooke Graham (Boise St)
10 - Jessica Nesis (Wash)
 Region 3 (Scores)
Sr. A
1 - Mackenzie Brannan (Alabama); 1st FX
2 - Madison Cindric (Az); 1st BB
3 - Ericha Fassbender (UF); 1st V/UB
4 - Braie Speed (Arkansas); 1st UB
5T-Haylee Roe (Illinois) and Ginaphr Seat (Uncommitted)
7T-Samantha Partyka (Utah) and Mary Maxwell (Uncommitted)
9 - Brittany Furuyama (Kentucky)
10-Angela Rogers (Uncommitted)
Sr. B
1 - Lauren Li (PSU); 1st UB
2 - Bailie Holst (Minnesota); 1st BB
3 - Chayse Capps (OU)
4 - Ciara Gardner (Minnesota); 1st FX
5 - Hayley Sanders (UGA); 1st V/UB
6 - Nicole Gurrero (Alabama)
7 - Kennedy Finister (Uncommitted)
8 - Briana Ledesma (Uncommitted)
9 - Allie Wismer (NCSU)
10-Emily Schein (UNC)
Sr. C
1- Pua Hall (UCLA); 1stV/FX
2 - McKenzie Wofford (OU); 1st UB
3 - Jordyn Givens (Illinois)
4 - Jessica Howe (Cal)
5 - Keri Peel (Uncommitted)
6 - Chelsi Hamilton (SEMO)
7 - Reagan Hemry (OU)
8 - Dana Ho (Cal);1st BB
9T- Jamie Lewis (Uncommitted) and Kaelyn Cowan (Uncommitted)
Sr. D
1 - Rachel Daum (Stanford);1st UB/FX
2 - Ashlynn Broussard (UGA)
3 - Alyson Heimsath (Missouri); 1st BB
4 - Leah Lomonte (Denver)
5 - Mackenzie Valentin (AZ); 1st V
6 - Miti Unda (Yale)
7 - Kullen Hlawek (Auburn)
8 - Emily Richardson (Arkansas?)
9 - Sarah Lyons (Illinois)
10-Megan Frazzini (Uncommitted)
Region 4 (Scores)
Sr. A
1 - Gracie Cherrey (UGA); 1st UB/BB
2 - Selena Ung (Minnesota); 1st FX
3 - Jenna Bressette (Alabama)
4 - Ashley Fischer (Uncommitted)
5 - Melissa Jordan (Uncommitted)
6 - Michalee Turner (Uncommitted)
7 - Leah Spankowski (Uncommitted)
8 - Emily Anderson (NCSU)
9 - Kate Mierow (Uncommitted)
10-Madeline Huber (Missouri) 1st V
Sr. B
1 - Amber Heltemes (SUU); 1st UB/FX
2 - Danielle Breen (NU); 1st V/BB
3 - Bridget Hodan (Illinois)
4 - Rebecca Schlugel (Uncommitted)
5 - Emma Schalow (Uncommitted)
6-  Ali Jackson (OU)
7-  Claire Ryan (Uncommitted)
8 - Sara Heldenbrand (Uncommitted)
9 - Alexandra McCarthy (Uncommitted)
10- Kylie Meyer (Uncommitted)
Sr. C
1 - Kara Lovan (OU); 1st UB/BB/FX
2 - Kelsey Paz (ISU)
3 - Renee Edelman (Brown)
4 - Miranda Kuehl (Ball St)
5 - Emily Ramberg (Uncommitted)
6 - Jordan Hardison (Kent St)
7 - Paige Urguhart (Boise St)
8 - Alexandra Kopp (Uncommitted)
9 - Lewa Evans (Uncommitted)
Hannah Finnegan, 1st V
Sr. D
1 - Mary Jane Rott (Auburn); 1st V/BB/FX
2 - Bailey McIntire (Utah St)
3 - Audrey Merritt (Uncommitted)
4 - Kendall Westrich (Uncommitted); 1st FX
5 - Bailey Walker (SEMO)
6T-Jordyn Doherty (Uncommitted); 1st UB, and Grayson Esslinger (UW-Whitewater)
8 - Lauren Israel (Uncommitted)
9 - Kayla Tyson (Uncommitted)
10-Caroline McCrady (Iowa)
Region 5  (Scores)
Sr. A
1 - Paige Zazski (Arkansas); 1st UB
2 - Bailey Gardner (Minnesota); 1st V/BB
3T-Annie Juarez (Uncommitted); 1st FX, and Alyssa Shermetaro (Wash)
5T- Morgan Lane (Uncommitted) and Kelsey Hood (WMU)
7 - Taylor Livingston (Uncommitted)
8T- Heather Hannon (Ohio St) and Anna Gortner (Uncommitted)
10- Shannon Goniwiecha (BGSU)
Sr. B
1- Lindsey Lemke  (UNC); 1st V/UB/FX
2- Sydney Waltz  (Kentucky)
3- Nicole Gendusa  (Illinois)
4- Baylee Bell  (Uncommitted); 1st BB
5- Noelle Harada  (Uncommitted)
6- Ryann Conners  (Uncommitted)
7- Monica Batton   (Uncommitted)
8T- Eileen Malecki (Uncommitted) and Corinne Rechenmacher (Kentucky)
10 - Brooke Timko (Uncommitted)
Sr. C
1. Caroline Morant  (Brown); 1st FX
2. Sasha Sander   (Missouri); 1st UB
3. Jessica Peszek  (WMU);1st BB
4. Sarah Ebeyer  (Ball St)
5. Ashley Potts  (Uncommitted)
6. Olivia Trout  (Uncommitted)
7. Rachel Carr  (CMU)
8T. Miranda Wieczorek (Uncommitted) and Briana Gironda  (W&M)
10- Lauren Feely (BGSU);1stV

Sr. D

1T-Mary Jane Horth  (Illinois); 1st BB/FX, and Rachel Haines  (Minnesota); 1st V/UB
3 - Amanda Wellick  (Arkansas)
4 - Tenille Funches  (Ohio St)
5 - Jorden Mitchell   (Brown)
6 - Brooklyn Doggette  (WVU)
7 - Megan Greenfield  (NIU)
8 - Kara Witgen  (USAF)
9 - Katie Hollon (Uncommitted)
10-Amanda Kowalski (Iowa)
Region 6 (Scores)
Sr. A
1 - Rechelle Dennis (Uncommitted); 1st FX
2 - Jillian Winstanley (GWU): 1st V/UB/BB
3 - Kelly Martin (Uncommitted)
4 - Aysia Sharif (Uncommitted)
5 - Julia Sebben (Uncommitted)
6 - Megan Finck (Uncommitted)
7 - Fanny Migliore (Uncommitted)
8 - Olivia Neistat (Uncommitted)
9 - Megan Middlemiss (Uncommitted)
10-Alexis Frankowski (Uncommitted)
Sr. B
1 - Oni Timothy (PSU); 1stV/BB/FX
2 - Anna Merkuryev (Uncommitted)
3 - Alexa Phillip (WVU); 1st UB
4 - Amanda Fillard (NCSU)
5 - Amber Hill (Uncommitted)
6 - Fiona Callahan (Uncommitted)
7 - Lacey Rubin (EMU)
8 - Erin McCane (Temple)
9 - Molly Travaglino (Uncommitted)
10- Jessie Westergard (Uncommitted)
Sr. C

1 - Paris Ryder (Arkansas)
2T- Lianne Joshbacher (Boise St); 1st UB and Meghan Pflieger (UNH); 1st BB
4 - Talia Chiarelli (Mich); 1st FX
5 - April Baker (Rutgers); 1st V
6 - Olivia O'Connor (W&M)
7 - Samantha Nelson (Arkansas)
8 - Alaxandra Yacalis (Wash); 1st V
9 - Meghan Quinn (Uncommitted)
10- Marissa Deangelo (Uncommitted)
Sr. D
1  - Nicolette Swoboda(WVU); 1st V/BB
2 - Christina Postiglione (PSU);1st UB
3 - Alexandra Demoura (GWU); 1st FX
4 - Kim Stewart (Bridgeport)
5 - Caroline Fitzpatrick (CMU)
6 - Emma Lasker (Uncommitted); 1st V
7 - Olivia Privitera (Uncommitted)
8 - Destiny Smith (Uncommitted)
9 - Casey Sullivan (Brockport)
10 - Emily DeCesare (Uncommitted)
Region 7 (Pending)
Region 8 (Scores)
Sr. A
1 - Lauren Marinez (Uncommitted); 1st BB
2 - Katie Stuart (Kentucky)
3 - Jasmine Arnold (Uncommitted)
4 - Marie Priest (Uncommitted)
5 - Brooke Bray ((Uncommitted); 1st FX
6 - Mallory Moredock (Uncommitted)
7 - Nikki Youd (Iowa)
8 - Shauna Miller (Uncommitted); 1st V/UB
9 - Angelina Giancroce (Uncommitted)
10 - Gabriella Yarussi (Uncommitted)
Sr. B
1 - Aja Sims (Alabama); 1st UB/BB/FX
2 - Nikole Addison (Denver)
3 - Mary Angela Metcalf (Iowa)
4- Rachel Slocum (Uncommitted); 1st V
5 - Jennifer Brenner (Uncommitted)
6 - Katie Canady (Uncommitted)
7 - Chelsea Grimison (Uncommitted)
8 - Renata Mitchell (Uncommitted)
9 - Kennedi Harris (Uncommitted)
10-Mia Bargiacchi (Uncommitted)
Sr. C
1 - Katie Bailey (Alabama) 1st UB
2 - Myia Hambrick (LSU)
3 - Tiffany Henry (Uncommitted); 1st BB
4 - Courtney Bisbe (NCSU)
5 - Gilly Hogue (ASU)
6 - Emily Braukmuller (Maryland); 1st V
7 - Mary Sanders (Uncommitted); 1st V
8 - Eboni Jackson (Uncommitted)
9 - Claire Jones (Rutgers);1st FX
10- Ashley Thomas (Uncommitted)
Sr. D
1 - Ashleigh Gnat (LSU); 1st V/UB/BB/FX
2 - Sydney Ewing (LSU)
3 - Charly Santegado (Rutgers)
4 - Alyssa Tucker (Uncommitted)
5 - Morgan Reynolds (UGA)
6T- Christina Pheil (UNC) and Elid Helwigg (Uncommitted/International)
8-  Beth Roberts (Uncommitted)
9T - Shonacee Oliva (LSU) and Lauren Johnson (Uncommitted)
Wednesday, 10 April 2013 06:45

2013-14 Burak to Pitt

Kelly Burak, L10 at Arcadia Gymnastics in Pa., will walk on to the Pitt team this fall.  Kelly is a two time regional qualifier. This season she placed in the top 3 AA at the COTC, Stars and Stripes Invitational, and Tikki Classic.  She recently competed at her state meet, finishing 11th AA.

Personal Website

Monday, 08 April 2013 20:28

2015-16 Nogaki to Michigan

Kristen Nogaki, L10 at Wildfire Gymnastics in California, has committed to Michigan.  This season Kristen won the Chris Waller Heart of a Champion meet and placed first on vault, bars and beam.   She recently placed 2nd AA and 1st on vault and bars at her state meet.


Monday, 08 April 2013 15:28

2016-17 Miller to Utah

Hannah Miller, L10 at Olympus Gymnastics in Salt Lake, has reportedly committed to Utah.  Hannah qualified to the 2012 JO Championships in her first year at level 10.  This season she won the California Classic and she also qualified to the Nastia Liukin Cup.  She recently placed 2nd AA and 1st on vault at her state meet.


Friday, 05 April 2013 12:11

014-15 Goniwiecha to BGSU

Shannon Goniwiecha,  L10 at Oakland Gymnastics in Michigan, has committed to Bowling Green.  Shannon is a two-time regional qualifier.  This season she won the Luau in Leos meet and she recently finished 3rd AA at her state meet.


Thursday, 04 April 2013 18:44

2015-16 Webber to W&M

Katie Webber, L10 at Harpeth School of Gymnastics in Tennessee, has committed to William & Mary.  This season Katie finished 3rd AA at the COTC and the USA Invitational.  She recently finished 2nd AA at her state meet.

Personal Website

Tuesday, 02 April 2013 12:42

2014-15 Martin to Missouri

Kelli Martin, L10 at Team Central in Missouri, has committed to Missouri.  Kelli finished 1st AA at the 2013 Meet Me in St. Louis meet and 3rd AA at the World Class Gateway Challenge.  She recently competed in her state meet, finishing 5th AA.


Monday, 01 April 2013 04:46

2013-14 Rehberg to UW-Whitewater

Chloe Rehberg, L10 at Trinity Gems in Illinois, has committed to Wisconsin-Whitewater.  She is a two time regional qualifier.  She recently competed at her state meet, finishing 15th AA.


Sunday, 31 March 2013 19:12

2016-17 Hults to UCLA

Veronica (Nica) Hults, an elite from Texas Dreams, has committed to UCLA.  In 2012 she won bars and beam at the American Classic and she placed 9th AA at nationals.

Personal Website

Sunday, 31 March 2013 15:33

2015-16 Boren to Florida

Alicia Boren, L10 at North Stars in New Jersey, has committed to Florida. Alicia placed 1st AA and on floor in her session at JOs last season.  She recently placed 1st AA and 1st on V, BB,  and FX at her state meet.  She also qualified to the Liukin Cup this seaso.

Liukin Cup Video

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