Thursday, 09 April 2020 21:37

2020 Superlatives

Updated 4/8/20

This list is incomplete and will be updated as information becomes available.  Please submit your additions and corrections to














Handspring, Front Tuck 1/1 Twist

RO 1/2 on, Front Layout 1/2 Off

Tsukahara Layout 3/2

Yurchenko Layout 2/1

Kiya Johnson, LSU

Rachael Lukacs, UGA

Shallon Olsen, Bama

Denelle Pedrick, CMU

Yurchenko Layout 3/2

Alyssa Baumann, Florida

Abby Brenner, Michigan

Lauren Bridgens, PSU

Sierra Brooks, Michigan

Lynnzee Brown, DU

Megan Verceles Carr, NU

Milan Clausi, Cal

Gracie Day, AU

Jade Degouveia, OU

Neveah DeSouza, Cal

Adernys De Jesus, NU

Anika Dujakovich, NU

Kennedi Edney, LSU

Amanda Elswick, Arkansas

Jada Glenn, AU

Derrian Gobourne, Auburn

Lexi Graber, Bama

Kennedy Hambrick, Arkansas

Felicia Hano, UCLA

Ruby Harrold, LSU

Taylor Houchin, NU

Olivia Karas, Michigan

Maddie Karr, DU

Mollie Korth, UK

Grace Kramer, UCLA

Maddi Leydin, Arizona

Ona Loper, Minn

Alex Marks, OU

Rachel Mastrangelo, Cal

Hannah McCrary, Mizzou

Maggie Nichols, OU

Morgan Porter, Mizzou

Maddie Quarles, Minnesota

Lexy Ramler, Minnesota

Madison Rau, LSU

Payton Richards, Florida

Kyla Ross, UCLA

Savannah Schoenherr, UF

Allie Stern, OU

Cassie Stevens, Auburn

Trinity Thomas, UF

Olivia Trautman, OU

Drew Watson, AU

Anastasia Webb, OU

Gabryel Wilson, Michigan

Natalie Wojcik, Michigan

Sekai Wright, UCLA




Full Twisting Double Layout Flyaway

Sierra Brooks, Michigan

Rachel Flam, Stanford

Norah Flatley, UCLA

Hailie Hendrickson, Arizona

Mollie Korth, Kentucky

Tiarre Sales, Minnesota

Anna Warhol, GWU

Katie Won, San Jose State

Jessica Yamzon, Arkansas

Hindorff (clear-hip reverse hecht/Tkachev)

Kennedi Edney, LSU

Ricna (Stalder reverse hecht)

Ragan Smith, OU

Church (toe-on pike reverse hecht)

Helen Hu, Mizzou

Maggie Nichols, OU

Pike Tkachev

Triple Twisting Flyaway

Bharwaj (full twisting Pak)

Van Leeuwen (Maloney 1/2)

Amelia Hundley, Florida

Madison Kocian, UCLA

Alma Kuc, Cal

Maggie Nichols, OU

Lexy Ramler, Minn

Jenna Schwartzentruber, Ohio State

Trinity Thomas, UF

Anastasia Webb, OU

Emi Watterson, Cal

Toe-On to Counter Salto (Kim)

Double Front 1/2 Out Dismount

Wynter Childers, Bama

Anastasia Webb, OU


* Note the pike Jaeger has been excluded as the skill is relatively common. 














Round-Off, Layout to Two Feet Mount

Switch Ring Leap

Kyla Ross, UCLA

Back Tuck 1/1 Twist

Arabian Front Tuck  

Taylor Lawson, Stanford

Back Layout Two Foot*

Side Aerial, Cross Position

3/1 Turn in Wolf (Humphrey/George)

Double Front Tuck

Back Double Pike 

Nicola Dean, MSU

Shallon Olsen, Bama


* Athlete must hold layout position througout the salto for E credit.  A layout with a pike down is credited as a D.




Full Twisting Double Layout

Double Layout

Alyssa Baumann, Florida

Lynnzee Brown, DU

Christina Desiderio, LSU

Felicia Hano, UCLA

Jillian Hoffman, Utah

Morgan Hoang, Stanford

Bailey Lovett, Arkansas

Rachel Lukacs, UGA

Abbey Miner, BYU

Sadie Miner, BYU

Nya Reed, Florida

Maya Reimer, Bridgeport

Sydney Soloski, Utah

Trinity Thomas, Florida

Olivia Trautman, OU

Chloe Widner, Stanford

Jessica Yamzon, Arkansas

Kaitlyn Yanish, Oregon State

Double Front

Brenna Brooks, Washington

Double Front Pike

Arabian Double Front

Maddie Desch, Bama

Kennedi Edney, LSU

Rachel Flam, Stanford

Sydney Johnson-Sharpf

Drew Watson, Auburn

Arabian Double Pike (Dos Santos)

Triple Full

Adernys De Jesus, NU

Emma LaPinta, OU

Rachel Mastrangelo, Cal

Skyler Sheppard, AU

Tuck Full In or Half In/Half Out

Sterlyn Austin, UGA

Maya Bordas, Cal

Abby Brenner, Michigan

Sierra Brooks, Michigan

Kyla Bryant, Stanford

Milan Clausi, Cal

Lexi Graber, Bama

Krystin Hoffa, Washington

Margzetta Frazier, UCLA

Lauren Guerin, Iowa

Alexis Hankins, Ohio State

Mollie Korth, Kentucky

Rachel Mastrangelo, Cal

Adrienne Randall, Utah

Maya Reimers, Bridgeport

Pauline Tratz, UCLA

Aspen Tucker, Mizzou

Sabrina Vega, UGA

Madison Ward, Utah State

Gabryel Wilson, Michigan

Natalie Wojcik, Michigan

Raena Worley, Kentucky

Arabian In, 1/2 Out

Tuck Full Out

Pike Full In

Taylor Chan, SJSU

Megan Roberts, UGA

Front 2 1/2 Twist (Randi)

Andrea Maldonado, Iowa State

Full In Full Out/Double Double

Shallon Olsen, Bama