Tuesday, 20 October 2020 12:22

SUNYAC Cancels Winter Seasons

The SUNY Athletic Conference has made a decision to cancel the winter sports season, including Gymnastics at SUNY Cortland and SUNY Brockport. Link: Article
Monday, 19 October 2020 12:16

W&M Restores Women's Gymnastics Program

Faced with a Title IX lawsuit, W&M has restored Women's Gymnastics, along with Women's volleyball and swimming. The programs were set to be cut due to the financial difficulties caused by COVID-19. Sadly, the Men's program remains cut and the path forward is even more challenging due to the heightened…
The NCAA Division I Council officially adopted a resolution to allow all Division I Winter sports athletes an additional year of eligibility, regardless if they compete this season or not. If implemented in the same fashion as the waivers granted to 2020 spring and fall athletes, those seniors that return…
Sadly, despite a strong case, the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota voted to cut Men's gymnastics, indoor track and field and tennis. The motion passed by a 7 to 5 vote. The Men's program had developed a counter proposal that showed a path to self-funding and the…
UAA needs to raise $888K by February 15th, 2021 in order to save their program. Please see the link below for ways you can donate or pledge. Link: GoFundMe
Monday, 05 October 2020 12:13

PSU Hires Inniss as an Assistant

PSU has hired former AU standout Rachel Innis as an assistant. She's been an assistant at Temple for the last two seasons. Prior to that, she was a volunteer assistant at AU. She also danced professionally for four years at Walt Disney World. Link: PSU Release
Saturday, 26 September 2020 17:19

Oregon State Hires Raschilla as an Assistant

Oregon State has hired Bryan Raschilla as an assistant. The former Bama associate Head Coach has been a volunteer assistant at AU the past two seasons. He replaces Brian Amato, who left to join Nebraska. Link: Release
Saturday, 26 September 2020 17:16

UAA Completes Coaching Staff for 2020-2021

Alaska-Anchorage interim head coach Marie-Sophie Boggasch has hired former standout Kendra Daniels as an assistant. Former assistant Alina Cartwright has agreed to return and help the team as a voluntary assistant, as they battle for reinstatement for future seasons. Link: UAA Release
The NCAA Div I Council has announced that the recruiting dead period has been extended to January 1st. The dead period precludes all in-person recruiting. Also, no game tickets can be given to prospective student athletes or their coaches during the dead period. In other action, Fall championships in a…
The Men's College Gymnastics Association has launched a new campaign, "Better Together", to raise funds to save Men's Gymnastics at the collegiate level. Find out more here: LINK
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