Displaying items by tag: Cal

Tuesday, 28 September 2010 14:35

Cal Cuts Men's and Women's Gymnastics

In a sad day for collegiate gymnastics, Cal has announced it has cut it's men's and women's gymnastics programs, in an announcement made this afternoon.  The cuts come despite over 100K raised on behalf of the men's program, and a pledge of support from USA Gymnastics.  Baseball, women's lacrosse and men's rugby were also cut.  118 male athletes, including 19 in gymnastics, will be affected.  45 women are impacted, 15 in gymnastics.   Men's rugby has been singled out for special treatment, retaining special status as a varsity club support. 

More information to come, after the chancellor's press conference at 2:30 pm PDT.

Link:  SF Chronicle and Cal Statement

Published in General News
Monday, 13 September 2010 13:09

Cal (M) Name Colin Christ as an Assistant

Colin Christ has been named the assistant men's coach at Cal, according to a school release.

Link:  Cal Release

Published in General News

Boosters of Cal Men's Gymnastics have formed "Cal Gymnastics Forever Foundation" and will be meeting with the Chancellor on the 14th to present a business plan.  They need your letters of support, and your donations.  Thus far, they have raised pledges for over 25% of the operating budget and 200 letters of support.  Click on the link to fill out an automatic letter generating tool. 

Link:  More Information

Published in General News