Displaying items by tag: Sac State

Thursday, 11 November 2010 09:44

NLI: McCartney and Wonderly to Sign with Sac State

A pair of L10s from MAC in Portland plan to sign with Sac State on Friday, according to their hometown paper.  They are Kalliah McCartney and Kayla Wonderly.

McCartney tied for 23rd AA in the Senior B division at the L10 Nationals.  At the 2009 JO Nationals, she placed 9th(t) on BB and 31st(t) AA.  Link:  Recruiting Web Site, Including Video

Wonderly tied for 8th on UB and tied for 25th AA in the Senior C division at the L10 Nationals.  She tied for 2nd AA at the 2009 Region II L10 Regionals, and advanced to Nationals but competed just two events.  Link:  YouTube.com Channel

Published in Recruiting