
UW Eau Claire's Danielle Schulzetenberg led her squad with a win in the AA.  Stout's Naomi DeLara won VT and FX.

Link:  UW Stout Release

Friday, 11 February 2011 21:22

Illinois State 192.925 at SEMO 193.775

SEMO defeated visiting Illinois State, led by senior Brianna Gaddie's 9.9 win on the VT.  Gaddie also won the FX.  Teammate Christina Sundgren captured the UB title.  Illinois State's Hannah Deutsch won the BB. 

Link:  SEMO Release

Friday, 11 February 2011 21:19

Penn State 195.925 at North Carolina

PSU defeated host UNC, 195.925 to 192.975.  PSU was led by Sharaya Musser, who posted a big 39.575 to win the AA.  She also captured event titles on the VT, FX and BB.  PSU's Natalie Ettl won the UB. 

Link:  PSU Release

In a partial victory for boosters, Cal's women's gymnastics program has been restored.  As previously announced, the Cal's women's team was slated to be cut at the end of this season.  The victory, however, is unfortunately only partial.  Cal's men's program is still set to be cut.  Cal is restoring women's gymnastics, women's lacrosse and men's rugby.  Men's gymnastics and baseball are set to be cut at the end of this season. 

Cal stated that philantropic commitments would be used to fund the programs on an interim basis.  In the days leading up to the decision, many vocal boosters noted that a good portion of the $12M already pledged was tied to Cal restoring all of the programs.  The baseball boosters were particularly vocal. 

Cal stated that it is counting on $7 to $8 Million of the original $12M pledged by boosters.  It says the amount raised by the baseball and men's gymnastics programs was insufficient to support the programs for the seven to 10 years required by the administration.  It also noted that the rugby boosters had pledged support for the two women's programs as well.

In recent days leading up to the decision, the mainstream media has demonstrated how the previously announced decision was likely to throw the Cal program into violation of Title IX.  Legal action was clearly on the horizon.  To mitigate this situation, Cal reportedly was also acting to cut down the roster sizes of the remaining Cal men's programs while encouraging the existing women's programs to expand their rosters.  By the supporting the two women's program, the rugby program, with its 60 man roster, hopes to mitigate the impact of its large roster on Cal's Title IX compliance.

Supporters of Cal's baseball program are reacting harshly to the disappointing news. 

Link:  Cal Release and Chancellor's Statement

In a rare Wednesday night meet, Penn defeated Ursinus, West Chester and Wilson.  Penn's Megan Milavec won the FX and the AA while teammate Dana Bonincontri won UB and BB. Monica Durham of Ursinus won the VT. 

Link:  Penn Release

As you would expect, Florida remains at the top of this week's GymInfo National Rankings.  They lead all events but BB, where Stanford retains the top spot. 

Individually, frosh Mackenzie Caquatto of Florida takes over the top AA spot after her debut.  UGA frosh Lindsey Cheek remains atop the UB standings (she has competed just once).  Utah's Kyndal Robarts leads the VT, although she has not competed since her injury.  Oregon State Leslie Mak leads the BB once again, after hitting again this weekend.  On FX, Stanford's Shona Morgan debut performance joins teammate Ashley Morgan and Florida's Ashanee Dickerson at the top of the standings.

Sunday, 06 February 2011 20:57

Sac State 192.9 at Cal 192.7

The Hornets travelled over to the Bay Area and edged the Bears at home.  Sac State used a consistent effort throughout, taking advantage of Cal's problems on BB.  Lissa Zamalo of the Hornets tied with Cal's Nicolette Lew for the BB title.   Frosh Alicia Asturias led Cal, posting a 38.8 to win the AA and tying teammate Alexandra Leggitt for the VT title.  Frosh teammate Dallas Crawford won the UB while Cal's Mariesah Pierce won the FX. 

Link:  Cal Release

Rutgers Frosh Luisa Leal-Restrepo led her team to a tri-meet win.  She captured the AA (38.775), VT, UB and FX.  Yale's Stephanie Goldstein won the BB.

Link:  Yale Release

Sunday, 06 February 2011 16:15

Springfield 179.75 at Cortland 184.2

Sophomore Sarah Nadrowski was dominant again for SUNY-Cortland, winning the AA, UB, BB and FX while finishing 2nd on the VT.
Link:  Cortland Release

Sunday, 06 February 2011 16:11

Cornell 189.3 at Penn 189.775

Penn used a strong FX rotation to overtake Ivy League foe Cornell.  Dana Bonincontri led Penn, winning the VT, UB, and BB.   Kirsten Straubaugh added a win on the FX.  Cornell's McKenna Archer won the VT. 
Link:  Penn Release

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