
Saturday, 20 March 2010 21:45

Illinois Wins Illinois Classic

Illinois Champaign won the in-state battle with a 196.65.  NIU was 2nd with a 192.65, UIC third with 192.475 and Illinois State fourth with 191.975.  Allison Buckley led the Illini with a win in the AA with a 39.4.  She also won VT and FX.  Teammate Sarah Schmidt won the UB with a near perfect 9.975.  For Illinois State, Hannah Deutsch won the BB.

Link:  Illinois State Release

Saturday, 20 March 2010 21:40

SCSU 191, Brown 189.825 at Towson 193.1

Towson bid farewell to longtime Head Coach Dick Filbert and his Assistant Coach and wife Lynda by closing out their home schedule with a win.  Senior Alise McDonald won VT and tied for first on UB with teammates Kacy Catanzaro and Jackie Schweitzer and SCSU's Sarah Durst.  Schweitzer also won BB while teammate Kady Sullivan won FX.

Link:  Towson Release

Saturday, 20 March 2010 21:37

Pittsburgh 193.575 at MSU 194.975

Michigan State was led by senior Nicole Curler, who won VT, UB (with teammate Rochelle Robinson) and FX (with teammate Emily Lopatofsky  en route to a 39.175 AA win.  Pitt's Alicia Talucci won BB.

Link:  MSU Release

Auburn won the quad meet hosted by Maryland.  On Vault, Maryland's Ally Krikorian tied with AU's Justine Foster.  On UB, Auburn's Allyson Sandusky and Petrina Yokay tied for honors.  On BB, Maryland's Brandi George and Talia Tossone posted identical marks.  Then, on FX, six gymnasts tied for 1st:  AU's Toi Garcia and Rachel Inniss, GWU's Leslie Delima, and Maryland's Abigail Adams, Michelle Brenner and Krikorian.  Adams won the AA with a 39.4.

Link:  Maryland Release

Saturday, 20 March 2010 21:16

Penn 190.375 at Cornell 190.5

Cornell held off Penn to win, 190.5 to 190.375.  For Cornell, Kerri Lavallee won VT, Melanie Standridge won BB and Brittany Howse won FX.  Frosh Dana Bonincontri led Penn, winning UB and the AA.

Link:  Cornell Release

Saturday, 20 March 2010 21:04

Rutgers 187.2 at UNC 196.225

Senior Christine Nguyen closed out her home career with a big day -- winning the AA with a 39.575, and sweeping all four individual events, including the FX with a 9.95.

Link:  UNC Release

Friday, 19 March 2010 22:34

Men's: Army 321.55 at W&M 334.85

William and Mary posted a season high to defeat Army.  Senior Derek Gygax led the Tribe, winning PB and HB and posting a career best 84.4 AA.

Link:  W&M Release

Friday, 19 March 2010 22:31

Kentucky 195.275 at Oregon State 196.65

Oregon State posted the win over Kentucky, led by Mandi Rodriguez and Laura-Ann Chong.  Rodriguez won the VT, FX and AA with a 39.425.  Chong added wins on the UB and BB.

Link:  UK Release

Friday, 19 March 2010 22:28

Washington 195.3 at SPU 190.575

Washington defeated SPU, led by Samantha Walior.  Walior led a 1-6 UW sweep on the UB and tied for the FX title with teammate Kristen Linton.  Teammate Hatsune Akaogi won the VT title.  UW frosh Paige Bixler won the BB while classmate Lauren Rogers won the AA with a 39.075.

Link:  SPU Release

Boise State posted a new season high with a 196.55 to defeat SJSU.  Hannah Redmon led Boise State, winning VT, FX and tying with teammate Amy Glass for the UB title.  Lindsay Kazandjian won the BB title for the Broncos.

Link:  Boise State Release

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