GWU frosh Jillian Winstanley won the AA and tied for the BB title as GWU held off UNC and won the Lindsey Ferris Invitational. Teammate Chelsea Raineri tied for the floor title and the vault title (with UNC's Sarah Patterson). GWU's Alex DeMoura tied with UNC frosh Kaitlynn Hedelund and…
Sunday, 18 January 2015 14:41

Yale 191.175 at UNH 195.9

New Hamphire improved their score this week by 2.55 points to down visiting Yale. They once again counted no falls to maintain a consistent effort. Meghan Pfieger led the way, winning the FX and the AA with a 39.325. She also tied for the BB title with teammate Casey Lauter.…
Sunday, 18 January 2015 14:38

Stanford 195.95 at Penn 189.575

Stanford defeated host Penn on Sunday afternoon. Stanford was led by Taylor Rice, Ivana Hong and Elizabeth Price. Rice won the FX and the AA with a 39.375. Hong won the BB and tied for the UB title with Price at 9.95. Price shared the VT title with teammate Nicolette…
Saturday, 17 January 2015 21:58

Men's: Cal 427.9 at Stanford 435.5

Stanford (435.5) won the Stanford Open, defeating Cal (427.9) and the Washington club squad (386.7). Akash Modi led Stanford with an 89.3 AA win. Link: Cal Release
Saturday, 17 January 2015 21:40

BYU Takes the Ozone Classic

BYU posted a 193.075 to win the Ozone Collegiate Classic. BGSU was second, posting a 191.175. UW-Whitewater was third at 189.975 and Alaska-Anchorage was 4th at 188.85. MaKenzie Johnson led BYU, posting a 38.975 to win the AA, including a win on vault. Teammate Eliane Kulczyk swung to the UB…
Saturday, 17 January 2015 21:30

EMU 194.575, SPU 187.25 at CMU 195.875

CMU hit a new season high to defeat EMU and SPU. Halle Moraw led the way once again, winning the FX and tying for the vault title with teammates Karlee Teet and Rachel Fielitz plus EMU's Anna Willette. The Chippewas Kylie Fagan won another UB title, while teammates Caroline Fitzpatrick…
Saturday, 17 January 2015 21:25

USU 194.525 at DU 196.025

Host DU broke the 196 barrier to down USU. DU's Nina McGee led the way once again, winning the UB and FX and tying for the VT title with teammate Rachel Fielitz. McGeen posted a near-perfect 9.975 on FX to secure a 39.35 AA win. DU posted a 49.475 on…
Saturday, 17 January 2015 21:23

Men's: West Point Open Event Finals

PSU took five of the six events in the Event Finals at the West Point Open. Thad Lawson won the FX, while Craig Hernandez won the PH. Alexis Torres won the R, while Tristan Duverglas won the VT. Matthew Felleman took the HB for the Nittany Lions. Temple's Jakob Welsh…
Saturday, 17 January 2015 21:19

Men's: OU Wins the Rocky Mountain Open

OU won the Rocky Mountain Open with a big 441.55 tally. Air Force was 2nd at 427.15, while NU was third at 420.15. ASU's club team was 4th at 395.1. OU swept the events, with Colin Van Wicklen winning FX, and Michael Reid winning PH. Michael Squires posted a big…
Saturday, 17 January 2015 21:14

Men's: Illinois Takes the Windy City Invite

Illinois won the Windy City Invitational, hosted by UIC, with a 428.1. Team: 1. Illlinois 428.12. Michigan 422.953. Ohio State 414.84. Iowa 414.05. Minnesota 410.356. UIC 388.4 Illinois's CJ Maestas won the floor and rings while teammate Jordan Valdez won the PB and tied for the HB title with Iowa's…
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