Character is defined as: The way someone thinks, feels or behaves.
College prospects need to work strategically harder to get the attention of college coaches. Furthermore, student-athletes need to separate themselves from the high volume of prospects that are competing for similar roster spots.
There is a laundry list of tasks on the college recruiting checklist that requires attention. College recruiting interviews are vital for two reasons: First, as a means of creating a stronger interpersonal connection between prospect and coach; second, as an opportunity for both sides to size each other up. This article offers 3 Critical Tips to Maximizing College Recruiting Interviews with college coaches.
We've got two full weekends of competition in the bag, and we're seeing some signs of an exciting NCAA season. 
As the 2018-19 season gets underway, it is time for our take on the Top 10 Recruiting Classes for this season.
I have had several parents tell me that there is an unspoken pressure in their club gyms when it comes to recruiting. Some parents are very open about their daughters being recruited and others keep things quiet. At best, it can be a very awkward time for everyone because the pressure is on to get their daughters recruited.
Families and prospective student-athletes who have a firm grip on NCAA recruiting rules will run into fewer roadblocks while navigating the college quest. The NCAA manual is a comprehensive resource, and sometimes difficult to comprehend and navigate. Let’s take a “cliff notes” approach to the NCAA Dead Period.
Realizing the potential leverage families and prospective student-athletes have in the college admissions process, especially as it pertains to non-scholarship schools and for student-athletes who may not qualify for athletics aid, should increase confidence and hope as families begin the college quest.
One of the most challenging parts of the recruiting process for the parent is letting your child or teen lead recruiting. The parent often fears their daughter will not be strong enough or advocate well enough to be recruited to college. I completely understand! Lets face it: they have never done anything like this before. 
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