Friday, 26 July 2024 22:50

New Scholarship/Roster Limits for 2025-2026 Filed in Landmark Settlement Case

The NCAA and leaders of the Big 5 Conferences have filed an important document in the proposed settlement for the three landmark court cases.  This filing proposes to limit roster sizes and allow scholarship up to the full roster limits for all sports.  For gymnastics, the new roster size will be 20 for both men and women.  Currently, neither sport has a roster size limit.  Women's gymnastics has been limited to 12 scholarships in Division 1 and 3.3 equivalent scholarships (split among many) for the men.  Now, each sport will be able to fund up to 20 spots, but no more. The settlement also covers revenue sharing and enforcement.  The agreement also attempts to reign in the current unbounded NIL market and third-party collectives.  It must be approved by the court, and potentially, supported by federal legislation.  If approved, it should provide for a chaotic spring transfer season and disrupt the current 2025 and 2026 recruiting process.   

Acrobatics and tumbling will see a huge scholarship limit increase, from 14 sports to 55 spots.  As with gymnastics and other sports, especially on the men's side, few programs will be able to fully fund all their roster spots. 

Link:  Yahoo Sports  and Yahoo Sports and Roster Sizes

Link: NCAA Release

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