Saturday, 04 January 2020 21:04

OU 197.35, UCLA 196.575, Cal 196.2, Stanford

OU posted a strong 197.35 to win the second session of the Collegiate Challenge at the California Grand Invitational.  UCLA was second at 196.575 after problems on BB, and Cal was third at 196.2  Stanford posted a 195.475 for fourth in this session (a mark that would have been 2nd in the first session).  UCLA's Kyla Ross posted a 39.725 AA win, including a 9.95 win on FX and tie for 1st at 9.95 on BB, with teammate Samantha Sakti.  She also tied for the VT title with Cal's Kyana George and OU's Anastasia Webb.  OU's Maggie Nichols posted a 9.975 to win BB and a 39.625 to take 2nd AA.

Link:  Results

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