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Friday, 26 February 2010 20:08

LSU 196.05 at UGA 196.575

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UGA defeated visiting LSU 196.575 to 196.05.  Courtney McCool led UGA with a win on the FX and ties on BB (with teammate Grace Taylor) and UB (with teammate Marcia Newby and LSU's Susan Jackson).  Jackson also captured the VT and the AA with a 39.45.

Link:  LSU Release

Friday, 26 February 2010 19:31

Alabama 197.225 at Kentucky 195.95

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Bama rolled to a big 197.225 in the meet at Kentucky.   Bama was led by Morgan Dennis, who posted a 39.55, including a near-perfect 9.975 win on the VT.  She also won the FX and tied for 1st on BB with teammate Ashley Priess.  Priess also tied for the UB title with teammate Kayla Hoffman.

Link: UK Release

Friday, 26 February 2010 19:16

Oklahoma 196.825 at Michigan State 194.125

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Oklahoma posted a big 196.825 in the road victory over Michigan State.  OU's Sara Stone posted a 10.0 on VT to lead OU's sweep of the individual events.  Teammate Brie Olson won the UB while fellow Sooner Hollie Vise won BB.  OU's Jackie Flanery posted a 9.95 for the FX win.  For MSU, Nicole Curler led a trio of Spartan AAers.

Link:  MSU Release

Thursday, 25 February 2010 04:33

2011-12 Nevins to Sacremento State

Heather Nevins, L10 at Central California Gymnastics, made an early commitment to Sacramento State for the 2011-12 season. Nevins is a third year L10, a two-time Regional L10 qualifier, and two time NorCal L9 state champion.  This season she finished 5th AA at the Lady Luck Invite and 2nd AA (1st V) at the Tachi Palace Invite.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010 04:38

2010-11 Lasek to W&M

Larson Lasek, L10 from Richmond Olympiad in Virginia, signed a letter of intent last fall to compete for W&M next season.  Read her Bio and news announcement.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010 19:57

2010-2011: Bucher to Air Force

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Emily Bucher, a L10 at Oshkosh, is headed to the Air Force Academy next year.  At the 2009 L10 Nationals, she placed 34th AA in the Senior B division.

Link:  Video

Monday, 22 February 2010 21:19

Men's National Rankings for the Week of February 22nd

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For the men this week, the rankings from GymInfo are done by the average of three meets.  So, as you might expect, we have some changes.  Michigan takes over the top spot, with OU in second.  OU's Jake Dalton is the top AAer and the top vaulter, while teammate Steven Legendre leads the FX.  Illinois' Daniel Ribeiro is tops on the PH, while Stanford's Tim Gentry reigns on rings.  On PB, Cal's Kyle Bunthuwong is the leader, while on HB, Illinois' Paul Ruggeri is the leader.Read More

Rank Team
Average of 3
1 Michigan U. of 354.033
2 Oklahoma U. of 353.483
3 Illinois U. of 353.000
4 Stanford Univ. 352.200
5 Penn State 346.850
6 Minnesota U.of 345.317
7 Ohio State 345.033
8 California 343.717
9 Nebraska U. of 342.567
10 Iowa U. of 340.383

Link: Troester GymInfo

Sunday, 21 February 2010 19:50

Women's National Rankings for the Week of Feb 22nd

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Oklahoma takes over the top spot in the Troester GymInfo National Rankings for women.  Bama is 2nd and UCLA is third.  LSU's Susan Jackson is the top AAer.  On vault, PSU's Brandi Personett leads the way.  UCLA's Anna Li swings to the top spot on UB.  On BB, Hollie Vise of OU is the leader, while UGA's Courtney McCool is the top FX worker.

Sunday, 21 February 2010 19:40

Brown 189.325 at Alaska 189.525

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Alaska won the 2nd of two matchups with Brown, completing the weekend sweep with a narrow win on Sunday.  Lauren Agostino led Alaska with wins on VT and BB.  Teammates Kelsey Fullerton and Shakea Sanders tied for the FX title to cap off a come from behind win.  For Brown, Julia Meyer won UB while Emily Luftey won the AA.

Link:  UAA Release

Sunday, 21 February 2010 19:38

UC Davis 192.7 at CSUF 192.975

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CSUF posted a season high to defeat UC Davis.  CSUF junior Alaina Baker won the AA with a 38.925 to lead the Titans.  Baker added wins on the VT and FX as well.   Teammate Britni Echeverria won the UB.  UC Davis' was led by Kendall McCann, who won BB and placed 2nd AA.

Link:  CSUF Release

Sunday, 21 February 2010 19:31

Oregon State 196.325 at UCLA 197.375

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UCLA was led by Vanessa Zamarrripa, who amassed a 39.675 in the AA, including a 9.95 win on FX and a tie on VT with Oregon State's Mandi Rodriguez.  Rodriguez picked up the win on BB, while UCLA's Anna Li won UB.

Link:  UCLA Release

Nebraska upset Ohio State, posted a season-high 348.25.  NU was led by AAers Kyle Shanahan and Andreas Hofer, as they went 1-2.  Hofer won VT and PB as well.

Link:  NU Release

In action late Saturday, Stanford was the US winner of the Pacific Coast Classic, finishing 2nd behind the Japan All Star team with a 354.2.  Cal was next at 349.45, while Iowa posted a 331.05.  Cal's Kyle Bunthuwong won the AA, posting a big 90.5.

Link:  Cal Release

Sunday, 21 February 2010 19:19

Men's: W&M 329.55, Army 325.25 at Navy 319.4

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William and Mary won the tri-meet hosted by Navy, posting a 329.55.

Link:  W&M Release

Sunday, 21 February 2010 18:45

Men's: Temple Wins New England Invitational Championships

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Temple claimed the bragging rights in New England, as they captured the Invitational Championships.  Temple posted a 334.55 to defeat Springfield at 331.3.  Ty Evans of Springfield won the AA with a 84.55.  He also picked up wins on the PB and the HB.

Link:  Springfield Release

Sunday, 21 February 2010 18:41

Iowa State 194.475 at Iowa 193.825

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Iowa State beat in-state rival Iowa in the annual showdown, 194.475 to 193.825.  Michelle Browning led Iowa State, posting a 38.9 for the AA win.  She also tied for the FX title with Iowa's Jessa Hansen and Rebecca Simbhudas.  Simbhudas has another strong day, tying for VT with Iowa State's Alex Grant and tying on BB with Iowa State's Ashley Kent.  Iowa's Houry Gebeshian won the UB.

Link: Iowa Release

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