UW La Crosse coasted to an easy win, led by Sheree Romesburg's wins on VT and FX.  Teammate Morgan Shene won UB and tied for the BB title with teammate Kendall Westrich.  Link:  Release
Friday, 10 January 2014 22:10

Maryland 192.05 at CMU 194.8

CMU easily defeated Maryland, after the latter started slow on UB.  CMU used a balanced attack, led by Brittany Petzold.  She won the AA with a 39.175, the vault, and tied for the FX title with teammate Emily Heinz.  Heinz tied for the BB title with Maryland's Stephanie Giameo.  Chippewas…
Friday, 10 January 2014 22:07

Centenary 181.575 at LSU 197.2

LSU posted a 197.2, its highest opening meet score ever, to down cross-state rivals Centenary.  Rheagan Courville led the way for LSU, winning the AA with a 39.6, the FX with a 9.95 and tying on the BB with a teammate Jessie Jordan.  Teammate Sarie Morrison won the VT and…
Friday, 10 January 2014 22:02

Missouri 193.425 at Bama 197.15

Bama posted its highest opening meet score in its illustruous history, a 197.15, to easily down Missouri.  Kim Jacob led Bama, winning the AA with a 39.525, the BB with a 9.875 and tying for the UB title with frosh Amanda Jetter.  Diandra Milliner of Bama won the VT and…
Michigan kicked off their season in strong fashion, posted a 196.525 to easily outdistance ISU and Ill St.  Joanna Sampson led the way for the Wolverines, winning the AA with a 39.325, the FX (9.925) and tying for the BB title with frosh Nicole Artz.  Teammates Natalie Beilstein and Austin…
Friday, 10 January 2014 21:56

UGA 196.5 at OU 197.7

OU blasted to its highest opening meet score in school history, posting a big 197.7 mark for the first meet.  The Sooners posted a 49.5 to close the meet on FX.  Haley Scaman led the Sooners with 9.95 wins on VT and FX.  Teammate Erica Brewer won the AA with…
Friday, 10 January 2014 21:51

TWU 189.825 at AU 194.875

AU used a 49.325 on FX to overcome a weak BB rotation and post a solid opening meet score.  Sophomore Caitlin Atkinson led AU, winning the AA with a 39.2 and bars with a 9.825.  Teammate Bri Guy won VT, while Tiger Megan Walker won BB.  Lexus Demers FX completed…
Arkansas's Katherine Grable posted a 39.475 AA win to lead her squad to an easy win over Bridgeport and WMU.   She also won vault and floor.  Teammate Sydnie Dillard won BB while teammates Amanda Wellick and Salmon tied for the UB title.  Link:  Arkansas Release
Friday, 10 January 2014 21:41

Illinois 195.325 at MSU 194.15

Illinois posted a strong start, using a 49.275 BB rotation to overcome a slow start on UB.  Illini Jordan Naleway won bars while teammate Liz McNabb won BB.  Illinois' Amber See tied for the vault title with MSU's Alina Cartwright.  Cartwright won the AA with a 39.275 while teammate Elena…
UK's Audrey Harrison led her squad to a big win in the quad meet, posting a 39.075 AA win.  Harrison also won BB and tied for the FX title with teammate Kayla Hartley and PSU's Sidney Sanabria-Robles and Randi Lau.  WVU's Jaida Lawrence won the vault, while teammate Alexa Goldberg…
Friday, 10 January 2014 19:11

Towson 190.125 at Pitt 193.375

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Towson's Samantha Lutz won the AA with a 38.1 but it wasn't enough as Pitt powered to wins on all four events.   Brittney Harris won VT and Bars while teammate Katie O'Rourke won BB and tied for the FX title with teammate Lindsay Offutt.  Link:  Pitt Release
Stanford won the NorCal Challenge Sunday afternoon, defeating North state rivals Cal, UC Davis, San Jose State and host Sacramento State.  Stanford was led by Kristina Vaculik's meet-high 9.875 UB win.  Teammates Melissa Chuang, frosh Sophia Lee, and Cal's Serena Leong tied for the vault title.  Another teammate, Taylor Rice,…
Sunday, 05 January 2014 15:18

PSU 193.925 at ISU 193.55

Penn State used an advantage on vault and FX to hold off the hosts.  They were led by LSU transfer Randi Lau, who won vault.  ISU's Caitlin Brown won the AA with a 38.9; she also tied for the beam title with teammate Alex Marasco.  Teammate Henrietta Green won the…
Sunday, 05 January 2014 15:14

UW Eau Claire 180.2 at CMU 194.45

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CMU swept at least the top four places in every event to an impressive 194.45 opening tally.  Four different Chippewas claimed an event victory:  Brittany Petzold on Vault, Karlee Teet on UB, Taylor Noonan on BB, and Halle Moraw with a meet-high 9.875 on FX.  Link:  UW EC Release
Saturday, 04 January 2014 19:41

Ball State 189 at Illinois State 188.95

Illinois State's Samantha King won the AA with a 39.0.  King also won the BB and FX.  For Ball State, Erin Patchey won the vault while teammate Angela Durkac tied with Illinois State's Jenna Bossle for the UB title.Link:  Illinois St Release
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