Saturday, 22 March 2025 18:13

Big 12s Session 2: Utah 197.775, Arizona 196.675, DU 196.4, ASU 195.975

Utah easily won their first Big 12 Conference title, defeating Arizona.  DU was 3rd and BYU from session 1 was 4th.  Ute Grace McCallum won the AA with a 39.55.  She also tied for the VT title with teammate Ashley Glynn and DU's Mila Brusch and Bella Mabanta.  Teammate Makenna Smith won the FX and tied for the UB title with BYU's Anna Bramblett-Wilde (from Session 1).  Utes Avery Neff and Ana Padurariu shared the BB title.   

Link: Session 2 Results and Utah Release

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