Illinois' Men's team has signed Michael Fletcher, Daniel Lasenbby, Emanuele Muehlhauser, Antonio Sacchiero, Ian Skirkey, and Clay Mason Stephens for 2018-2019. Link: Release
Loganne Basuel has committed to ISU. She competes at Flight School. Last season she qualified to regionals, placing 6thAA. She placed 41st AA at JOs. Personal website
BYU has signed Sadie Miner, Lexi Griffith and Rebekah Bean for 2018-2019 Other commits: Rachel Bain, Olympus, L10Ashley Kernan, Paramount Elite, L10Michelle Sandoval, Fuzion, L10Gabby Hubbard, All American Link: Release
Sydney Bennett has announced her commitment to Bowling Green. She trains at Everest. In 2016 she competed at level 9, winning her state, regional and championship meets. Her first season at level 10 was cut short early in the season, presumably due to injury. Personal website