Saturday, 04 January 2020 15:40

Denver 196.7, ASU 194.675, Auburn 194.375, PSU 193.5

Denver won the first sesson of the Collegiate Challenge at the California Grand invitational, led by Alexis Vasquez and her 10 on BB.  It was the first ten of the season.  Vasquez hit a front aerial to back handspring to back layout combo, switch split to split jump, Memmel turn and aerial to layout full dismount.  Teammates Maddie Karr and Lynzee Brown tied for AA honors at 39.55.  Brown won FX with a 9.95 and UB with a 9.925.  Auburn's Derrian Gobourne and Drew Watson stuck Yurchenko 1 1/2 for first on VT.

Link:  DU Release

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