Creating an Outstanding Highlight Video How to create an outstanding highlight video  Keep it short:  5 minutes or less  First impressions are important:  Show your best footage possible Post your video with your resume:  See my website for examples Know what coaches are looking for:  Coaches want to see you in competition.  Some practice footage is also good.  If you only show your vault into a pit with no landing surface, they are going to assume you do not have this vault and have never competed it.  It is also best to show your skills without a spot, especially…
With summer in full force and the start of the academic year fast approaching, high school prospects have every opportunity to get a well-deserved breather. Taking time to relax a little after a demanding school year and a rigorous training schedule creates “new life.” That being said, the summer can be organized and utilized in several ways to grow awareness and momentum in your recruiting effort and the prospect that looks at the next 100 days as pure opportunity will greatly enhance their athletic college search.
When your college recruiting strategy hits a wall, learn to pivot.. The college search for athletes is an individual and tactical quest that will play out differently across the board. If you happen to be that 5 star prospect that every college coach has his eye on, your biggest challenge will most likely be which college to choose! But if you are among the majority of prospects that are lumped into the next level of recruits, your college journey will be a little more challenging.
  The college search for athletes has accelerated to the point where an early start is your best bet for success. Competition for scholarships, roster spots and admissions support is at fever pitch and the family who organizes best and executes their plan flawlessly will give themselves the best opportunity to succeed.  
FINDING YOUR VOICE: The most powerful tool in creating a strong collegiate gymnastics team! One of the greatest gifts a gymnast can receive while attending college is her “voice”.   The "voice" is defined as an instrument or medium of expression; wish, choice or opinion openly or formally expressed.
For the past several seasons, we've made an attempt to rank the incoming classes for teams across the nation.  The task is never easy, and this year is no exception.  For the schools, investing in athletes today is a bit like investing in the stock (or precious metals) market.  With recruiting taking place earlier and earlier, coaches have to become experts at detecting the traits, abilities and characteristics that will produce a championship athlete two, three, and four years down the road (or six, seven and eight by the time they are college seniors!).  So who's class is rated to…
The college search for athletes is a marathon, not a sprint, and the recruiting process can be, at times, both exhilarating and uplifting, especially when your personal plan is working on all cylinders. That said, even the best executed plans can run into road blocks or even stall completely.
As the fall workouts continue, teams are hard an work to prepare for the coming season. Key veterans are looking to advance from where they left off last spring, while newcomers look to break into the rotations for the coming season. This past summer, we said good-bye to some top athletes at teams across the national. Athletes like UGA's Kat Ding, Bama's Geralen Stack-Eaton, OU's Megan Ferguson and UCLA's Elyse Hopfner-Hibbs have been stars in their respective programs for the past four years. Although it is still early in the preseason, here's a quick summary of the status of Top…
So what is the exact definition of a walk-on athlete and how does this differ from an athlete who receives a scholarship? An athlete who is a “walk-on” is one who has been offered a spot on the roster, but will not be given scholarship money. Unfortunately walk-on spots are sometimes perceived as a step down, but in reality they can be very prestigious and a stepping stone to earning a scholarship in the future. As a coach I always viewed it as an opportunity for an athlete. Once the team members report to practice, it is an equal playing…
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